KiD in the news::
- Weser-Kurier / Stadtteil Kurier (17.03.2014)
"Schüler sammeln für Kinder in Kenia"
- (Einnahmen des Benefizkonzertes in
der Bürgermeister-Smidt-Schule gehen nach Kenia)

- (Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
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Report: Kenia von September bis November 2012 (23.09.-02.11.2012)
- (von Nikias Linder)

- ...more infos in german...
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Kreiszeitung Achim (21.11.2012)
"Yoga-Tage erbringen 1.120,- Euro für einen guten Zweck."

- (Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
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- Weser-Kurier / Stadtteil Kurier (24.02.2012) "Vom selben Stern"
- (Schüler der Bürgermeister-Smidt-Schule musizieren für Kinder in Kenia)
- (Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
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- Fast Steuerfrei / Das Magazin für die Freunde der Kanzlei sauer + windhorst (Dezember 2011)
"Kinder am indischen Ozean - Bremer Verein baut Lebenswege für Kinder in Kenia"
- (Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
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- Weser-Kurier / Stadtteil Kurier (10.02.2011) "Schüler helfen Kindern in Kenia"
- (Donations concert at the Bürgermeister-Smidt-school)
- (Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
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- Thedinghauser Kreisblatt (17.12.2009) "Im Urlaub die Berufung gefunden" (Found in the holiday appeal)
- (Photos and informations about the association "Kindergarten in Diani")
- (Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
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- Brinkummer Kreisblatt (16.12.2009) "Kinder spenden für Kinder in Kenia" (Children to donate to children in Kenya)
- (Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
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- Achimer Kreisblatt (15.12.2009) "Hilfe für afrikanische Kinder" (Help for children in africa)
- (Photos informs about the association "Kindergarten in Diani")
- (Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
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- Unsere Familie 2010 (Our family 2010) "Weltweite Hilfe" (Help worldwide)
- Kalender der Neuapostolischen Kirche (Calendar of the Newapostolic Church)
- (Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
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- Kinderzeitung (Bremen - 07/2009)
- ("Große Hilfe mit kleinen
Mitteln für Kinder in Kenia" -"Great help with small
resources for children in Kenya")

- (Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
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- Report: Seven weeks in a
different world (22.feb.-08.april 2009)
(from Stefanie Bauernfeind and Merit Sauter)
- (Please click on picture for the full story, in English)
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- Weser Kurier (Bremen
- (Von Hänschenklein bis Tokio
Hotel - Bgm.-Smidt-School donation delivery with much music
celebrated )

- (Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
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- Weser Kurier (Ritterhude -
Schwanewede 17.11.2008)
- (Benefizkonzert "African Soul
and a prayer in Swahili")

- (Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
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- Report von Edward (vom
10.11.2008 bis 26.11.2008))
- (The first time in germany)

- (Please click on picture for the full story, in english)
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- NWZ Oldenburg (Oldenburg
- (Relief aktion - "Art for Kenya")

- (Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
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Achimer Kreisblatt (Achim 22.11.2007)
- ("Tourists remove 'rose-coloured glasses' -- Achim group meets to
discuss KiD")
- (Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
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Rotenburger Kreiszeitung (Sottrum 06.11.2007)
- ("Photo exhibit at Sottrum bank raises awareness of KiD")
- (Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
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- HCI Investing Magazin (Oktober 2007)
- ("Lots of assistance with little means")
- (Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
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- Achimer Kreisblatt (04.09.2007)
- ("Achim residents support children in Kenya")
- (Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
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- Achim Extra (August 2007)
- ("German support for Kenyan children")
- (Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
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- Report: a visit to Diani (09.06.-17.06.2007)
(from Nikias Linder)
- (Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
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- Report: a visit to Kenia (09.06.-17.06.2007)
(from Barry + Jenny Raynes)
- (more information, please click on the picture)
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- Verdener Aller-Zeitung (03.04.2007)
- ("Achim group envisions plans for KiD")
- (Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
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- Report: a visit to Diani (03.02.-17.02.2007)
(by Heidi and Manfred Linder)
- (Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
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- SAT1 Live 17:30 (10.01.2007)
- ("A clip from a SAT1 TV report about our kindergarten")
- (Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
Arial" size="2"> (Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
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- Weser Kurier (13.12.2006)
("What started as a straw hut in Kenya....")
- (Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
Arial" size="2"> (Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
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- Program from our benefit concert, "Rays of Hope," in Kirchheim
("A Children's Choir Cantata," by Klaus Heitzmann)
- (Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
Arial" size="2"> (Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
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- Weser Kurier
- ("Benefit concert for KiD features George Stevens, baritone")

- (Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
Arial" size="2"> (Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
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- Poster from the George Stevens benefit concert
(29. May 2005 at Unser Lieben Frauen Kirche in Bremen)
(Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
Arial" size="2"> (Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
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- Kreisblatt
am Sonntag (22.05.2005) - Stuhr · Huchting
- ("Kenyan kindergarteners hope for a roof over their heads")
(Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
Arial" size="2"> (Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
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- Weser Kurier (17.11.2004) - Stuhr · Huchting
- ("Concert and bazaar raise 8,800 Euros")
(Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
Arial" size="2"> (Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
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- Photo gallery from the Pre-Christmas Bazaar 2004
(13. November 2004 in Ritterhude)
(Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
Arial" size="2"> (Please click on picture for the full story, in German)
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- Poster for the Pre-Christmas Bazaar 2004
(12./13. November 2004 in Ritterhude)
(Please click on picture for the full story, in German)